Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) is a secure, Army electronic filing (e-filing) system for its authorized users to file and maintain required financial interest reports anywhere via a Web browser. Department of Defense agencies and other Executive Branch agencies use FDM to electronically process OGE 278s and OGE 450s.
Re-engineered manual, paper-based processes transformed into net-centric web-based services that meets the needs of individual report filers, reviewing supervisors, ethics officials, and process owners. An online, user friendly navigation tool guides a report filer "step by step" through report preparation and filing, replacing the old, multi-page, paper-based report process. FDM reduces costs to the government by saving filers time preparing required reports and saving reviewers review time. It provides online convenience.
FDM is here now. Click the FDM Login link to go there. FDM is a secure, web-based program to help prepare an OGE 278 or OGE 450. Using several easy-to-use screens, questions, and "flags", FDM simplifies report preparation, eliminating common errors and saves time.