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About FDM

Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) is a secure, Army electronic filing (e-filing) system for its authorized users to file and maintain required financial interest reports anywhere via a Web browser. Department of Defense agencies and other Executive Branch agencies use FDM to electronically process OGE 278s and OGE 450s.

Our Vision:

Re-engineered manual, paper-based processes transformed into net-centric web-based services that meets the needs of individual report filers, reviewing supervisors, ethics officials, and process owners. An online, user friendly navigation tool guides a report filer "step by step" through report preparation and filing, replacing the old, multi-page, paper-based report process. FDM reduces costs to the government by saving filers time preparing required reports and saving reviewers review time. It provides online convenience.

FDM Today:

FDM is here now. Click the FDM Login link to go there. FDM is a secure, web-based program to help prepare an OGE 278 or OGE 450. Using several easy-to-use screens, questions, and "flags", FDM simplifies report preparation, eliminating common errors and saves time.

  • FDM enables you to (optionally) appoint an Assistant to help you with your report.
  • Only you, any assistant(s) you appoint, and your reviewers have access to your report.
  • You are the only one who can submit your report online.
  • Also, FDM eliminates reentering information that is carried forward from year to year by enabling you to "pre-populate" a new report from a previous report.
A web tool to collect, validate, approve, disseminate, legally review, analyze, and otherwise manage the process for filing Public Financial Disclosure reports (OGE-278).
A web tool to collect, validate, approve, disseminate, legally review, analyze, and otherwise manage the process for filing Confidential Financial Disclosure reports (OGE-450).
Ethics Training Management (ETM), a web tool to plan, track, and otherwise manage ethics training for filers of both the Public and Confidential Disclosure reports.
