New Users
- Employees in the Department of Defense (DoD) and other Executive Branch Agencies (e.g., the Office of Government Ethics, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security) electronically file OGE 278s & OGE 450s in FDM.
- Authorized Agency ethics officials review those reports.
FDM is role-based. You must have a role (e.g., Filer) to use FDM. Contact your Ethics Official or Supervisor (DoD Filers) for registration assistance.
Watch a short video on filing an OGE 450
Watch a short video on filing an OGE 278
See a list of other videos
More information for:
Supervisors (DoD) & Report Reviewers
Ethics Officials
Organization Administrative Staff & POCs
Login to FDM
Login assistance
Troubleshooting access:
If you cannot login to FDM contact whoever notified you to use FDM to confirm your registration.
Contact your Ethics Official or supervisor (DoD Filers)
Contact the FDM Service Center or email